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This page is for frequently asked questions.

Table of contents

  1. Can this course be taken for credit?
  2. Who can take this course?
  3. Will there be homework?

Can this course be taken for credit?

If you are a student at Morehouse School of Medicine: GEBS students can count each session of the nanocourse as one seminar in the Seminar of Biomedical Sciences course.

If you are a student at Harvard Medical School: Harvard graduate students are able to bundle multiple nanocourses together to receive course credit. Students who have taken a total of 3 nanocourses can register for CELLBIO300qc and receive a quarter course equivalent of credit on a pass/fail basis. Six (6) or more nanocourses can be used to satisfy the requirements for the half course CELLBIO399. For questions about bundling and applying nanocourse credits contact

Who can take this course?

We welcome anyone who is interested in circadian rhythms, sleep, or the intersection between science and policy to take this class, regardless of your career stage!

Will there be homework?

There will be no out-of-class work. However, we invite you to fully participate and interact with your classmates during our 3 in-class sessions!